
Cookies for a Cause: Girl Scout Troop 6000 Serves New York’s Homeless Shelters

Troop 6000 is a specially designed Girl Scout program that serves girls currently living within New York City’s Shelter System. Each week, the organization trains and supports troop leaders to lead weekly meetings for girls and women in homeless shelters across the city.

Sadly, there are approximately 12,000 girls under the age of 18 living in the city’s shelter system. This fantastic program gives some of these girls the opportunity to make new friends, earn badges, and see themselves as leaders in their communities. What a wonderful gift!

If you don’t have a local Girl Scout troop that you’re planning to support, and you feel like stocking up on some tasty cookies, consider buying some from the girls in Troop 6000.

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If you’re watching your caloric intake, don’t fret. You don’t have to buy cookies to support the cause, as the group is also looking for financial donations and volunteers.

Danielle Martin

Danielle is a freelance writer who has has her work published at more than a dozen major media outlets over the past decade. She has two kids, two cats, and an unhealthy addiction to succulent gardening.

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